This year in 2023 we are going to a series of shows with our unique Motúček and we invite you to them! You will have the opportunity to try all models (touch), ask about everything you are interested in, or make an order on the spot.



31.03. - 03.04.2023

Praha - Letňany [CZ]

Častolovice - velikonoční výstava

31.03. - 02.04.2023

Častolovice [CZ]

Dům a zahrada

13.04. - 16.04. 2023

Louny [CZ]


20.04 - 23.04. 2023

Olomouc [CZ]

Gardenia 2022

26.04. - 30.04. 2023

Nitra [SK]

Komunální veletrh

17.05. - 19.05. 2023

Olomouc [CZ]

Agrokomplex: Regióny Slovenska

17.08. - 20.08. 2023

Nitra [SK]

Dům 2023

01.09. - 03.09. 2023

Louny [CZ]


05.10. - 08.10. 2023

Olomouc [CZ]

We enjoy the shows and always have a lot of fun with you :)

Product added to compare.